👨🏻‍💻 DevOps vs. 🧑🏻‍💻Platform Engineering: A Friendly Debate!

Sandip Das
2 min readOct 27, 2023

DevOps Engineer: Hey there! I’ve noticed that there’s often some confusion between our roles as DevOps and Platform Engineers. I think it’s essential to clarify the differences and the commonalities.

Platform Engineer: Absolutely! Let’s start with the differences. As a Platform Engineer, my primary focus is on building and maintaining the infrastructure platform that applications run on. This includes setting up and managing cloud resources, container orchestration, and ensuring the platform’s scalability and reliability.

DevOps Engineer: Right, and as a DevOps Engineer, while I do work with infrastructure, my main goal is to bridge the gap between development and operations. I focus on automating the software delivery process, ensuring that code can be reliably and efficiently deployed to production. It’s all about improving collaboration and streamlining processes.

Platform Engineer: That’s a good point. But we also have some commonalities, right? Both of us work towards ensuring that the applications run smoothly, are scalable, and are resilient to failures. We also both use similar tools and technologies, like Docker, Kubernetes, and various cloud platforms.

DevOps Engineer: Absolutely! And both our roles emphasize automation, infrastructure as code, and continuous improvement. It’s just that our primary responsibilities and focus areas differ.

Platform Engineer: Well said! It’s essential to understand these nuances to ensure we collaborate effectively and leverage each other’s expertise.

⚖️ Summary:

🔍 Differences:

Platform Engineers focus on building and maintaining the infrastructure platform.

DevOps Engineers bridge the gap between development and operations, emphasizing automation and process improvement.

🤝 Commonalities:

Both roles ensure applications run smoothly, are scalable, and resilient.
We use similar tools and technologies, emphasizing automation and continuous improvement.

Understanding these nuances is crucial for effective collaboration! đź’ˇ

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(Note: This post is a fictional representation based on a simulated conversation)

#DevOps #PlatformEngineering



Sandip Das

AWS Container Hero | Sr Cloud Solutions Architect | DevOps Engineer: App + Infra | Full Stack JavaScript Developer